Our Family

Our Family

Why I Blog

I decided to start a blog not only so others can read about what's been going on with the Lawrence family, but also to help me remember these wonderful years while my son is still so young.
It feels like just a little while ago I told my husband that I was pregnant. We spent that evening curled up on the couch dreaming and talking about what it would be like to be parents. The joy and excitement was almost unbearable. Now, 18 months later, I look back and remember the way that felt. I thought it would be wonderful, but I had no idea just how awesome it would be!
I want to write about this awesome experience of motherhood and the joys of building a family! I know there is no way to truly express the joy I feel or the love that I have for my son and his wonderful father...but I'll do my best. :)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Everyday Somthing New

I put Rogan down for a nap today and I noticed that he was jabbering on for awhile and then he started "calling" me. He does this if I don't come get him when he's jabbering. He had been so sleepy when I had put him down and he's usually not one to make a fuss when it's time to take a nap. I thought he would just jabber himself to sleep. But once he started calling to me I knew he wasn't going to go to sleep. What could be keeping him up? I went into his room to find that he was standing in his crib holding onto the side. He was so very proud of himself! I guess nap time was over. Not sure how I'm going to help him understand that his bed is for sleeping...not playing. This might be an interesting week. :)
This time of my life is so very wonderful. Watching my son learn to do new things each day. I love seeing his face when he understands something for the first time. He eyes light up with excitement. He is learning how to communicate with us. He can only say a few words (like Mama and Dada), but he understands a lot of words..like milk, cat, dog, food, chew, hi, and no. When I say milk he will spit out his pacifier, ready to eat! When we say cat or dog he will look in the direction of the cat or dog. He understands no and even though he doesn't always stay away from the "no-no's" he does react when we say "no." Twice now he has turned around and headed away from the objects that we have said "no" about. I've heard that kids can understand "no" at a young age, but I never knew it would take so well. Ok, so I know that we still have a lot of work and perseverance left (about 18 years) with this little guy and that he will test us and see what he can get away with. I hope though that we can stay consistent with him and all three of us will stay on the same page. :)
I was thinking about the times that he has cried to let us know that something was wrong, but it wasn't easy figuring out what to do and I was baffled and a little frustrated because I didn't know how to react or help him. He has got to be feeling the same way! Here we are jabbering at him and trying to make him understand something. I'm sure there are times he thinks "I have no idea what these people want me to do." It's got to be frustrating for him! I'm hoping that by being patient with him he will learn patience. Patience though, doesn't mean that you don't re-enforce. I'm a strong believer in consistency and re-enforcing.
Wow...I just read my post and it really doesn't make sense...oh well. I'll post it anyways. :)


  1. Each day there is truly something new. I'm so grateful God has allowed me to live to see it, and for the opportunity to watch him grow and develop. I find myself just watching you two interact - it's so sweet. It makes me think of my mom. Sometimes I'd look up to see her watching Jesse and me, a smile on her face. I know now how she must have felt - all warm and full of love for both of us. You're a natural momma, Cynthia. The Lord has truly blessed you with His guiding Spirit. Being able to watch on the sidelines is a privilege I will never take for granted and a gift I thank God for each day.

  2. Your post absolutely makes sense! It was very touching :)

  3. Thank you Manon! When Jesse and I were thinking about having children we not only thought about the affect that we would have on our children, we also thought about the relationship that our children would have with our parents.
    I realize what a blessing it is that Rogan will have two sets of grandparents who desire to serve the Lord; Grandparents that are still together after 35 years and who STILL love each other. You guys are a great example to him and I couldn't have pick better grandparents for him if I would have had a choice. :)

  4. Well, being a grandparent is a joy beyond my wildest dreams. Dan and I are truly blessed. We are happy still, so much in love. Having the Lord at the center of a marriage is part of the glue that keeps that relationship lovely. Praying to always be a good example - it's a lifetime project. :)

  5. This blog is wonderful! I hope it is alright to join a blog without permission. I have never been invited to anyone's blog. I just intruded! I haven't read anything yet on any of them. I am just looking. Whoever takes the pictures is amazing! I will be back to read everything on everyone's blog.
