Our Family

Our Family

Why I Blog

I decided to start a blog not only so others can read about what's been going on with the Lawrence family, but also to help me remember these wonderful years while my son is still so young.
It feels like just a little while ago I told my husband that I was pregnant. We spent that evening curled up on the couch dreaming and talking about what it would be like to be parents. The joy and excitement was almost unbearable. Now, 18 months later, I look back and remember the way that felt. I thought it would be wonderful, but I had no idea just how awesome it would be!
I want to write about this awesome experience of motherhood and the joys of building a family! I know there is no way to truly express the joy I feel or the love that I have for my son and his wonderful father...but I'll do my best. :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Two in one day....Just catching up

I wrote this several weeks ago on a site called babyfit....I thought I would put it on here as well.

I was thinking about Rogan today, like I do every day. I can't believe how big he is getting. It feels like just yesterday Jesse placed our little rogan in my arms for the first time. I remember his perfect little face, his tiny fingers and his cute little cries. I can remember life before him, but I can't remember what it felt like.
I was also thinking about how I felt the moment I knew that there was a life growing inside me. I knew it was a precious and special little life, but I never could have known just how awesome he would be. I loved him the moment I knew about him, I loved him even more the first time I felt him move inside me, and more when I saw his little profile in the ultra sound, and again more when I saw and held him for the first time. Every day I love him more and more. I think about his future and wonder what it has in store. I don't ever want him to experience pain or fear. I pray for him, that God will bring him happiness and success. I pray that he will be blessed some day with a good wife and that he too will experience the awesomeness of having a child.
I can't believe that seven months has just flown by. Rogan is getting so big! There are a ton of miles stones and I should have been writing them all down so that I would remeber them all, but I guess I would rather spend my time playing with him then writing on my computer. :)

The first month was awesome! I was sore from the C=section and exhausted, but I enjoyed every minute with Rogan. (not sore or exhausted enough to keep me from the Lake Wood garage sales only 4 days after he was born. Can't believe I did that!) He slept a lot and I took a lot of naps with him. I would spend hours just holding him in my arms and we would look into each others eyes. Just bonding and getting to know each other. He was so happy and hardly ever fussed. We took him to Ottawa KS for a week to a violin/strings camp. There was always a ton of violin music around him and he slept through most of it, but I think that the music helped stimulate his mind.

In month two his personality started to show a little. He let us know that he wasn't fond of his car seat. He cried all the way to church one Sunday morning. We were able to take him to Springfield, but we had to make a couple of stops to just let him have some time out of the car seat. He became very attached to his passi when we found that he would only take one for a 6+ moth old. Silly baby. He started smiling in month two. He was mostly fond of the ceiling fan and would rarely smile at us. Month two was July and it was a hot July. I took him to Bible School with me every day and he did so well.


  1. Love the new blog! A few of us here have them. Hope you keep posting and check out some of the other ones on here. It's fun to keep up with everyone.

  2. welcome to the blogging world, have fun with it. feel free to check mine out!
